Hypnobirthing Practitioner training
Practitioner training course to teach Hypnobirthing classes to expectant couples
Welcome to this online Hypnobirthing Practitioner training course. This part of the training is compulsory as it takes you to step by step through all you need to know, learn, practice and do, to run highly effective, enjoyable and relaxing hypnobirthing courses for couples.
This also includes all the business and marketing elements to help make your new business venture a success
Maggie Howell
Tutorial - Running order for the 2 day classes
Birth related video - Nadine's thoughts and reflections on using Natal Hypnotherapy
Running order day 1.
Running order day 2.
Tutorial - Opening the course and an intro to NH
Module 2 - Check your knowledge
First hypnosis script
First hypnosis track - pregnancy relaxation
Tutorial - How Hypnosis works.
Module 3 - Check your knowledge
Homework - How much do you now know about hypnosis?
Worksheet - The Conscious and subconscious mind - what is going on in each part
Worksheet - writing your own post hypnotic suggestions
Tutorial - The impact of fear on birth
Module 4 - Check your knowledge
Worksheet - Calm birth cycle
Fear is not real - Quote
Birth related video - Hadza Tribe with Ray Mears
How is it going so far?
Tutorial - Relaxation techniques
Module 5 - Check your knowledge
Homework - 321 relax - A rapid relaxation technique
3, 2, 1 relax sample
Birth video - Alex's birth
Chireal's birth
Hypnosis track 3. Mother's Birth rehearsal
Tutorial - Breathing techniques
Module 6 - Check your knowledge
Birth video - Matilda's birth
Tutorial - Personalising birth preparation
Module 7 - Check your knowledge
Worksheet - Personalise suggestions, visualisations and affirmations
Tutorial - Perspectives of birth
Tutorial - Birth Physiology
Module 9 - Check your knowledge
Homework - Hormones worksheet
Birth video - Victoria's contraction
Tutorial - Emotional map of labour
Module 10 - Check your knowledge
Each stage of labour and when to go to hospital - handout
Birth video - My Birth My Way
Tutorial - What is Induction and how to avoid it
Module 11 - Check your knowledge
Handout - Alternatives to artificial induction
Handout - An induced labour - tools and techniques
Handout out - NICE guidelines on induction
How is it going?
Tutorial - Great Comfort measures for labour
Module 12 - Check your knowledge
Homework - Comfort measures
Video - sacral pressure
Video - shaking the apples
Tutorial - Birth partner's role
Module 13 - Check your knowledge
Birth related video - Paul talking about Natal Hypnotherapy
Handout - what to do at each stage of labour
Hypnosis track 4. Birth partner's rehearsal
Bringing it all together
Handout - Over to you...
Example of a mind map for birth preparation
Tutorial - setting up your business
Practitioner Assessment process
Process for ordering coupon codes for the resource pack
Tutorial - Marketing your courses
Your marketing plan
Downloading the tracks
Hypnosis track 1. Relaxation
Hypnosis track 2 - 321 relax session
Hypnosis track 3. Letting Go of Fear
Become a great practitioner
Relaxing Birth music
Other useful Hypnosis tracks for birth and beyond
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